Information for Young People

What can you expect?

When you arrive to the clinic, you may be asked to check in at reception and to wait in the waiting room until the clinician comes to collect you.

At the first appointment, you may be seen by one or two clinicians. Usually, the family and the clinicians meet together at first. Then, if the young person is comfortable doing so, often the clinician(s) might meet with the young person and the parent(s) separately.

The first meeting tends to be conversation based, with the clinician trying to understand the concern you have come to the clinic with by gathering information from you and your parent(s). The clinician will ask a lot of questions – you and/or your parent(s) can answer these questions. We want you to feel comfortable and we understand that meeting new people can be difficult for many young people, so we try to let you lead and support you to tell us your story in a way that feels comfortable for you.

You are welcome to bring your own sensory supports with you to the clinic.  We have sensory support kits in every clinic space and you are welcome to use your own items from home or to use items from the kits.

More information is available on the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Click the image below to download our guide for parents and young people.

Click the image below to download My Appointment – A Visual Guide

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